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We hope you N-joy browsing the N-Store merchandise! This is just a sample of our most recent offerings. Have a look at our US order form for our complete inventory. At this time we are shipping to domestic addresses only.
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Book Reviews
Truck: On Rebuilding a Worn-Out Pickup
I first read this book as a teenager in the late 1970s. My uncle had purchased his 1951 8N by then and he had enlisted my help in keeping it going, switching out loaders and finding projects that were tractor-oriented. I found myself hooked on mechanical stuff. I’m not sure how I came to finding this book – maybe I saw it in a bookstore or my uncle or parents gave it to me. At the same time, I was determined to find an old pickup for myself that I could use as a daily driver (though that notion was extinguished by actually DRIVING an old pickup.)
Around this same time, I read Robert Pirsig’s book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Though I enjoyed some of it, I found there was too much philosophical babble for my teenaged brain to handle.
On the back cover of the original Truck book, there is a review quote from naturalist Edward Abbey (who I mistook back then as Edward Albee, the playwright.) He said, “I like it. Not so psychomelodramatic as Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance but funnier, earthier, and really wiser.” I thought, “This is for me.”
Truck feels like the 1970s, in a good way. There is a lot to be said for the mix of positivity, back-to-the-land-hopeful-wisdom mixed with mild sarcasm. By twenty-first century standards, the tone feels uplifting. Written in the first person, Jerome (at the time in his early 40s) had moved from the city where he was involved in publishing, to northern New Hampshire. He was still writing for Car & Driver and other magazines to make a living, but pursuing a major life change.
There is the right mix of earthy realism, seat-of-the-pants philosophy and a touch of busted knuckle greasiness that makes this an especially enjoyable read. It’s not just about getting an old truck back on the road, but also challenging oneself to do something out of your comfort zone.
After looking for a copy of this book for years (there are a lot of books that start with the word “truck”), I finally succeeded and tracked down the current owner/publisher and convinced them to do a short press run. I think you will enjoy it. $19.95. S&H will be added to your total order.
Rouge Pictured in its Prime by Ford Bryan is a large, hard cover, 285-page book is probably the most well researched document of the Rouge Plant. This seminal book was out of stock for a short while, now back on the shelf…and it should be on your shelf too!
Conceived as a massive group of buildings where raw matter entered on one end and finished products came out the other, the Rouge was, in its day, cutting edge industrial design and implementation.
Bryan, who in 1935, worked briefly at the Rouge steel mill and was later employed by Ford Motor Company from 1941 to 1974 in several different capacities, has a unique inside perspective of the facility.
With hundreds of black and white photographs of everything from the glass plant, to the coke oven and the commissaries to the hospital, Bryan spent countless hours at the Benson Ford Research Center combing through thousands of images.
No doubt you need to add this book to your library of Ford history. From the N-News, $35. S&H will be added to your total order.
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcom Gladwell asks, How do many little things add up to change the course of a business (the makers of Hush Puppies shoes) or a health epidemic (syphilis in Baltimore during the 1990s), crime in NYC, or literacy among the underprivileged (Sesame Street)?
Gladwell says if we think of a major change in the direction of some given subject in terms of the way the flu spreads, we find the building blocks for how to rethink waves of cultural change.
What makes Gladwell so entertaining to read is his revisionist tendency to take something we think we know and reframe it.
In April of 1775 there was news on the street in Boston, word of mouth really, that the British were about to do something big. When word got to Paul Revere and his close friend, Joseph Warren, they both felt this was information that needed to be heeded. At 10 p.m. on April 18, Revere began his “midnight ride” to alert as many militia men as possible. At about the same time, another revolutionary named William Dawes also set out on horseback to alert as many people as possible. Why is it we all know about Paul Revere’s ride, but no one knows about Dawes? Herein lies the magic of rethinking what we think we know.
Another entertaining book about the idea of reaching a critical point and re-envisioning it through a handful of very different stories. Soft cover, was $19, now as a remainder, only $9.95. S&H will be added to your total order.
The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, A Temptation and The Longest Night of the Second World War
by Malcom Gladwell begins just before WWII. Back then, the US Airforce was actually part of the Army…but the Army brass didn’t really know how to think about airplanes. Their ideas were still locked in the WWI model of dogfights: pilots trying to shoot down other pilots.
But in the mid-to-late 1930s, as the USA was observing Hitler’s move to power, there was a small band of pilots who were thinking very differently. What if airpower could change the course of how war was fought? What if we stopped thinking about leveling cities with bombs and instead trying to only bomb infrastructure, bridges, power stations, or the widget factory that made the propellers for planes or the tanks for the militaries?
This book is about a coalescing of a different strategy for the use of airpower by a small group of airmen in Alabama, along with the development of the Norden bombsight. Those two major components, along with a handful of other historic oddities and characters, helped (arguably) change the course of WWII. About 200 pages, soft cover, was $19, now as a remainder book, $10.95. S&H will be added to your total order.
Images from the Arsenal of Democracy
Before Pearl Harbor, the USA was still in denial that WWII was going to truly affect us. We have the Pacific and Atlantic oceans as massive buffers. But the government was already working toward the idea of rearming the USA in preparation.
In 2013 the author Charles Hyde wrote a wonderful book, The Arsenal of Democracy, about the American auto industry moving from car and truck production to tanks, planes, and other necessities of war. (I am considering carrying that book at a future time.) But while he was researching that book, he came across a treasure trove of images from the late 1930s and especially the 1940s of the automotive industry changing direction to help with the war effort.
Certainly, Ford Motor Company is depicted in these pages, but so are many, many others. Nearly 300 pages of black-and-white images, mostly in factory settings, of the war effort appear together. New, $45. S&H will be added to your total order.
A Museum of Early American Tools
Eric Sloane’s pen and ink style is unforgettable and his knowledge of early American know-how (that includes, all tools, wood, milling, road construction, the list goes on) is hard to believe. Growing up with a number of his books on the shelf, I reached for them often and in these times particularly, there is something so comforting in reading how all the different types of axes were used, or how to date a building by the types of nails, screws or fasteners used.
Sloane’s style (both in illustration and in word) is lyrical and attentive to detail, but also straightforward with just a touch of flourish.
A Museum of Early American Tools at $11.95 is fascinating. You really need at least TWO Sloane books on your shelf! S&H will be added to your total order.
Eric Sloane was an artist, draftsman, sign painter, author, but most of all, a historian of early American know-how. His pen and ink images that illustrate all of his books are captivating and highly informative. Sloane was born in 1905 and after studying art and lettering, he set out across the US as a painter working road signs and barn sides. Eventually he settled back east and began a career as an author, illustrator meteorologist and mentor to many.
As a kid growing up in Connecticut, A Reverence For Wood (arguably his most noted book) was always sitting near the reading chair, ready to be cracked open. In fact, when I asked my father for his copy to flip through, he produced two! Softcover, b&w about 112 pages. $12.95. S&H will be added to your total order.
The Complete Book of Classic Ford Tractors
It has literally been years since we have seen a new Ford tractor book be published. The far majority of them have been out of print. Motorbooks International (owned by Quarto) has held the rights to the books that Robert Pripps and Andrew Morland did together in the 1990s. The N-News has written many a letter over the years asking for some of the Pripps Ford tractor books to be reprinted, or to let the rights fall back to the authors so something could be done. Well, something finally has happened.
Bob Pripps alerted me in late 2020 that something was in the works. Quarto has combined three of the earlier Pripps/Moreland books, The Big Book of Ford Tractors, The Illustrated Ford and Fordson Buyer’s Guide and, The Complete Book of Ford Tractors into one bigger book.
Here is what the publicity info says, “In this comprehensive addition to Motorbooks’ Complete Book Series, tractor historian Robert Pripps provides a detailed and complete account of Ford tractors, from the earliest Fordsons to the Ford-Fergusons, the Ford N Series, and the Ford “World” tractors manufactured into the 1970s. Amply illustrated, Classic ford tractors also offers extensive information on the numerous options and accessories, implements and variations that came out of Dearborn, Sherman Bros., and the great Funk Bros. hot rod conversions that could make each of these popular machines utterly unique. In between, the book traces year-to-year model changes within each series.” Hardcover, 9.25×10.875” and contain 192 pages. At $45 it is a little pricey, but if you had purchased the three books (20+ years ago) you would have spent about the same. S&H will be added to your total order.
Back in stock! How to Restore Ford Tractors: The Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding and Restoring N-Series and Later Tractors 1939-1962 does an excellent job of hashing out the details of restoring a vintage Ford tractor. Published in 2008 with over 200 pages, this soft cover edition includes wonderful pictures of unusual models and options scattered throughout the pages (as are many photos of hands-on, down and dirty restoration work being done). Though the book emphasizes the N-series machines, overhead valve Hundred Series machines are covered as well.
Dealing with the engines, bad brakes, electrical systems, rusted body parts, paint and hydraulics are just a few of the topics covered. There is also a wonderful appendix for parts sourcing that tractor restoration enthusiasts will certainly appreciate.
The N-News carried this book for years, but 4-5 years ago, Motorbooks said it was out of stock and they were not going to reprint it. Then we were informed that the book was available again as a short run and we sold out. Now it is back again in a reprint edition (not quite as nice as the original) but we are happy to have it again. If you don’t have this one on your shelf, don’t wait to order as this is another short run. Get it now for $29.95. S&H will be added to your total order. Well worth it!
A Guide To Ford, Fordson & New Holland Tractors
As a reference guide this book is brief and to the point, listing the most salient information formatted chronologically. In this respect it functions as a very convenient field guide. The no–nonsense black and white archive photos, taken mostly from promotional literature, present the oldest, most familiar images of each tractor in its moment of inception. Just $18.
In A Guide To Ford, Fordson & New Holland Tractors 1907-1999 there’s quite a bit of information about the Fordson, dubbed in the first chapter as “The Tractor That Dominated the Market,” and there’s no stinting on all the permutations of this tractor, beginning with the earliest Ford experimental tractors, then, from the “F” to the “All–Around,” indicating the factory of manufacture as well. This chapter closes with a few more experimental tractors that may be considered the bridge to the N and beyond.
The next chapter, “The Hitch That Changed the Industry,” summarizes the Handshake Agreement. Though this topic is often on our N–News pages, it seems there’s some new, little fact or two with every re–telling. Included here also is a brief but interesting section on the Sherman Transmissions and the Funk Conversions.
Next is “Multiple Models with the Hundred Series” to cover the development of the NAA, the 600–800, the 700–900, the Fordson E27N and Fordson Major, and the Dexta series. New diesels and Offsets are mentioned here, too.
The next event was the Thousand series: 2000–6000, the Fordson Super Major, the Super Dexta, the 7000, 8000, and the 9000. Then the series was expanded to the 1000, 8600, 9600, and all the many model numbers that followed. There became a full line from compacts to giants when Ford bought New Holland and Versatile.
The final chapter, “A New Era as a New Company” covers the purchase of Ford–New Holland by Fiat, and the change to the New Holland logo. It is quite interesting to see a summary of all that the company now represents.
This book also includes all the Nebraska Tractor Test Results on Ford and Ford–related tractors from 1920 to 1999, including the Observed PTO Horsepower and several useful specs on each model.
Next, several pages are devoted to all the serial sumbers, and known production figures are given from 1917 to 1990, the last full year of production by the Ford Company. This may be the first time that Ford’s production numbers have been published in one place. In fact, this may be the best reference available about Ford tractors. This book sell for $18 plus $7.25 shipping and handling.
DVD Reviews
In June of 2009 I traveled to Iowa to interview Harold Brock, chief designer of the 9N tractor project. It was a little overwhelming to sit down and talk with a man who worked intimately with Henry Ford, Edsel Ford, Henry Ford II, had met Thomas Edison, Harry Ferguson and many other legends of modern invention and industry. The idea of having a tunnel back in time to talk to someone who was there, was an intriguing project to tackle.
Producing a video interview takes a lot of time and money. Collecting up the gear, traveling and postproduction work were all things I felt the N-News couldn’t afford either the money or the time to do. But, author Bob Pripps got me thinking about this as a great opportunity. Thus our Harold Brock DVD was born!
I have known Harold for many years, but this was my first time meeting him face to face. Given his (at the time) 93 years, I was a little concerned about what his energy level would be and how he would do in a room full of lights and video equipment. But Harold didn’t even blink. He was well prepared to sit and talk about his days at the Ford Apprentice School and how that led to meeting and working with Henry Ford and being brought into the small engineering department at the time.
We talked about how Ford and Ferguson met and interacted with each other, and perhaps, more importantly, how the Ford design team dealt with Ferguson. We also spent time talking about the history of Ford Motor Company and some of the key players like “Cast Iron” Charlie Sorensen, Eugene Farkas and other engineers.
This video is nearly two hours long, with supporting still photos from the N-News archives and reader send-ins to help punctuate Harold’s points. (And, for bonus material, a slide show of additional photos that we collected, but didn’t use in the video itself.)
This is your chance to hear about the historic development of the N series tractors from a man who was there at the center of it all. $26.95. S&H will be added to your total order.
Licensed reprints of original Ford manuals
Common Implements Used With Ford Tractors from 1939
Simply the best (only?) compendium of commonly used implements for the N-series (and into the mid 1950s). This is literally a collection of Operators & Owners manuals that would have come with that particular implement. An invaluable asset for the Ford tractor collector OR the person who is still working a plot of land. $40. S&H will be added to your total order.
After dreaming of a book that would encompass the most common Ford implements, one has finally arrived. If you could imagine a pile of Assembly and Operating literature stacked over two inches tall, you would have a good idea of what this book is created from, because that is exactly what it is.
This compendium of over 50 attachments covers many of the most common tools available for the earlier Ford tractors. Here is a list of all the Assembly and Operating instructions in this publication:
Moldboard Plow
Economy Plow
Middlebuster Plow
Lift Type 2-Way Plow
Lift type Disc Plow
Tandem Disc harrow series B & E
Bush & Bog Harrow 11-34, -36
Spring Tooth Harrow 11-10, -11
Spring Tooth Harrow 11-25, -26,-28,-29
Towner Offset Disc Harrow 11-16,17,18, 11-37, -38
Lift Type Kelly Planter 12-9,10,11,12
Lift Type Kelly Planter 12-31,32,33,34
Lift Type Lister Planter 12-24,12-25
Grain Drill 12-39,40
Fertilizer Grain Drill 12-42
Lift Type Rotary Hoe 13-10
Lift Type Four Row Weeder
Lift Type Rigid Shank Front End
Lift Type Rigid Shank Cultivator 13-1
Lift Type Rigid Shank Cultivator
Lift Type Spring Shank Cultivator 13-2,2A
Lift Type Spring Shank Cultivator
Lift Type Rigid and Spring Shank Front
End Cultivator Attachments
Lift Type Field Cultivator
Rear Attached Mowers
Side Mounted Mowers 14-3,4
Rotary Cutter 22-47
Rotary Cutter 22-60
84” Rotary Cutter 22-47
Sweep Rake
Lift Type Sweep Rake 14-21
Standard Wagon 21-2
Lift Type Cordwood Saw
Lift Type Cordwood Saw 22-44
Danuser Post Hole Digger
Lift Type Danuser Post Hole Digger 22-11
Lift Type Rear Scoop
Lift Type Rear Utility Blade 19-5
Lift Type All Purpose Blade 19-16
“V” Plow
Blade snow Plow
Angle Dozer
Lift Type Rear Utility Blade
Roto Flail L-16-21
Heavy Duty Manure Loader 19-8,8A
Dearborn Loaders 19-21,22,23
Ford Loaders 19-60, 19-81
Ford Step-Up and Step Down Reversing
Swinging Drawbar for 8N
Dearborn Manure Spreader 20-7, 20-7A
Dearborn HD Side Delivery Rake14-42
Dearborn Side Delivery Rake 14-20
Dearborn Hay Baler 14-49
Dearborn Forage harvester 14-43,44
Dearborn-Woods corn Picker 16-4
Beyond the practical aspects of this compilation, there is an historical perspective that makes this book a must-have for the Ford tractor aficionado. It is hard to believe there were so many implements available for these tractors. (We have over 600 implements in the Master Archive List at the N-News!) It is perhaps this exact reason that these tractors have become so popular and useful, even today! This book is available from the N-News magazine for $46. S&H will be added to your total order. Your purchase helps to support the N-News magazine!
700-900 Owners Manual 1954-1957
This is the exact manual that came with the 700-900 row-crop tractors starting in 1955. It contains all operating and maintenance information including brake and clutch adjustment, valve adjustment and basic operations. Also has a nice accessories section. 66 pages. Only $18. S&H will be added to your total order.
600-800 Owners Manual 1954-1957
This is the exact manual that came with the 600-800 tractors starting in 1954. It contains all operating and maintenance information including brake and clutch adjustment, valve adjustment and basic operations. Also has a nice accessories section. 66 pages. Only $18. S&H will be added to your total order.
NAA Service Shop Manual 1953-1954
A more specific manual for overhauling the engine, transmission and hydraulic system. Lots of information and should be used in conjunction with the Intertec FO-19 manual. About 46 pages, 8.5″ x 11″ – an excellent resource. Only $20. S&H will be added to your total order.
An exact replica of the owner’s manual that came with the Golden Jubilee in 1953. About 100 pages broken into sections for maintaining and repairing the tractor: tread width, carb adjustment, cooling system, valve adjustment and much more. Only $12. S&H will be added to your total order.
The shop manual companion to the 8N Operators Manual (above) giving even more details for overhaul.
A strongly recommended companion to this manual would be the Intertec FO-4. Only $10. S&H will be added to your total order.
This is a professional reprinted version of the original owner manual that came with the 8N back in the day. Photos, diagrams, operations, controls, basic maintenance, plowing instructions – everything you need to get started working with your 8N. 126 pages. Only $20. S&H will be added to your total order.
Service Manual Model 9N and 2N
This is the original shop manual for the owner. 64 pages of diagrams, drawings and photos depicting everything from an engine overhaul to a hydraulic pump rebuild. This manual, in conjunction with the FO-4 Intertec manual, are must-haves for the home mechanic. $20. S&H will be added to your total order.
Ford Tractor Ferguson System Instruction Book
The basic instruction book for the 1939 9N through the 1947 2N. Lubrication, tire width chart, electrical system diagram – everything you need to get start. Exactly as original. Only $18. S&H will be added to your total order.
Are you looking for something that you don’t see here in the online N-Store? Please review our US order form for all of our books, DVDs and manuals. All are available for shipping domestically. Got a question? Email N-News using our contact webform!